BYT are excited to announce a new drama project for refugee children aged 7-11
BYT ACTING TOGETHER Young Refugee Drama Project – Is a great new project that will run free weekly drama and performing arts workshops every Monday during term time 4.15pm – 5.45pm
The workshops will use drama and storytelling arts activities as a fun and exciting tool to aid the personal development of children and to build confidence, develop communication interpersonal and creative skills .
The activities will also include:
- Warm-up games, tai chi, devising and arts and crafts.
- Drama and storytelling will be use to break down cultural barriers and bring young people from different backgrounds together to learn about each other and share common ground.
- Participants will explore their creativity and imagination and develop new skills in a safe and supportive environment.
The sessions will very much respond to the children’s needs and the group dynamic, and will be flexible enough to adapt to the varied backgrounds of the young people taking part.
positive outlet for their energy and giving them a break from their everyday life.
To find out more please email For more information contact: Caroline 07958 448690 or
In addition to our main youth theatre, Brixton Youth Theatre runs drama projects in the heart of the community.

Brixton Youth Theatre ran a two-year drama club on Brixton’s Loughborough estate, for young people between the ages of 7-11. The highlight of the project so far has been the performance of the Empress’ Silent Daughter, which was performed at the Loughborough Centre.